Beverly, MA
Beverly, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 9/10 (10 is most accepting)
Last updated: 7.9.2024
Source: Town of Beverly, MA
What You Need To Know
ADUs are permitted in Beverly within dwellings, attached, and detached. The intention for ADUs in Beverly is to create spaces for older individuals who want to remain in their homes or on their property as well as provide rental units.
Type of ADU Permit Required
ADUs are by right in Beverly and require a building permit.
ADU Rules
ADUs must be occupied by at least one of the owners of the property.
There is only one ADU allowed on a property.
ADUs must meet minimum requirements for sanitary and building codes as well as municipal codes.
All units on the property must have utility services, including electricity, water, oil, and gas, active if present.
The design of the ADU must be complementary to the primary dwelling.
ADUs are limited to 1,000 square feet or 50% of the primary dwelling’s gross floor area, whichever is less.
Side and rear setbacks must be met for the specific zoning district.
Short term rentals are not allowed.
Any exterior lighting must be designed and installed so that it does not cast light on adjacent properties.
One off-street parking spot must be provided and reserved for the ADU. The spot must be distinct from other off-street parking spaces.
The ADU must remain in common ownership.
Attached ADU provisions
One entrance is permitted on the front of the home, and the new entrance should be on the rear or side of the home if feasible. Any front entrance to an ADU must appear secondary.
Any stairways must be within the exterior.
Detached ADU provisions
Detached ADU cannot be taller than the existing dwelling and cannot be greater than 35 feet.
ADUs must appear clearly secondary to the primary dwelling and must be located behind the front building edge of the primary dwelling.
The design of the ADU must be complementary to the primary dwelling.