Concord, MA
Concord, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 7/10
Last Updated: 6.24.2024
Image source: Visit Concord
What You Need To Know
Concord allows ADUs by right up to 750 square feet; however, through special permit ADUs can be built up to 1,000 square feet. ADUs are intended to provide rental units in Concord that do not alter the appearance of the town.
Type of ADU Permit Required
ADUs are by right up to 750 square feet and by special permit over 750 square feet but not exceeding 1,000 square feet.
ADU Rules
Building Permit
ADUs must abide by the specific zoning district minimum lot size requirements.
The ADU may not exceed 750 square feet of gross floor area.
Only one ADU is allowed per lot.
The owner of the property must reside in either the ADU or the primary residence.
For the building or special permit, dimensional floor plans must be filed with the application.
Individuals may not live in the ADU until a certification of occupancy is issued.
The ADU must meet the specific zoning district setback requirements.
One additional parking space must be provided.
Either town or on site sewer must be adequate to account for the ADU.
Ownership of the ADU may not be separated or sold separately from the single-family residence.
Height restrictions of the specific zoning district must be followed.
Special Permit
Special permits may be issued:
On lots that do not have the minimum lot size requirements
For ADUs over 750 square feet and under 1000 square feet
If minimum setback cannot be met
Town of Concord Zoning Bylaws