Gloucester, MA
Gloucester, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 7/10 (10 is most accepting)
Last updated: 9.19.2024
Image source: City of Gloucester
What You Need To Know
ADUs are permitted within an existing single family home, attached, and detached in Gloucester.
Type of ADU Permit Required
ADUs that conform to the rules listed below require a building permit through the building inspector. Special permits may be granted through the zoning board of appeals if the requirements cannot be met.
ADU Rules
The owner(s) of the single-family dwelling in which the accessory dwelling unit is created must continue to occupy one of the units as their residence, except for bona fide temporary absences.
Where the ADU or the principal dwelling is occupied as a rental unit, the minimum occupancy or rental term shall be 30 days. No ADU shall be use for boarding or lodging purposes or used as a rental unit on a weekly or daily basis.
There shall be one off-street parking space for the ADU in addition to off- street parking spaces required for the principal dwelling. The parking space shall be constructed of materials consistent with the existing driveway and shall have vehicular access to the driveway. No parking shall be located between the front building line of the principal dwelling and the front lot line except in the existing driveway.
Where the driveway is located within 10 feet of the side lot line, at least four feet of the driveway side yard, measured from the side lot line, shall be a landscaped buffer zone within which parking shall be prohibited. The landscape buffer zone shall be sufficient to screen the parking from the abutting property
There shall not be more than one ADU on a lot. ADUs shall not be eligible for zoning dimensional variances proposing to increase the allowable number of ADUs on a lot. No ADU shall be separated from the principal dwelling through a condominium or cooperative conversion process or be held in separate ownership from the principal dwelling unit on the lot.
The construction of any ADU shall conform with the State Building Code and Title V of the State Sanitary Code, and shall be lawful under all other provisions of applicable health, building, zoning and other local laws and regulations.
The Planning Board shall have authority to adopt an ADU guidance document providing interpretation and guidelines to administer this Section 5.24.
For Attached ADUs
The ADU shall be located entirely inside the single-family structure, except as provided for in 5.24.4(c).
The accessory dwelling unit shall be designed to maintain the appearance of a single-family dwelling, subject to the following requirements.
The accessory dwelling unit shall be designed to maintain the appearance of a single-family dwelling, subject to the following requirements.
All stairways to an ADU above the first floor shall be enclosed within the exterior walls of the single-family structure or on the rear of the structure if constructed on an outer wall.
Where two or more entrances exist on the front facade of the single-family dwelling, one entrance shall appear to be the principal entrance and other entrances shall appear to be secondary. In the alternative the ADU may be accessed by a side or rear entry.
Exterior alterations are permitted provided they are in keeping with the architectural integrity of the structure, including, but not limited to, the following considerations:
The exterior finish material should be the same or visually consistent in type, size, and placement, as the exterior finish material of the remainder of the building;
Trim should be consistent in type, size, and location as the trim used on the remainder of the building;
Windows should be consistent with those of the remainder of the building in proportion and orientation;
Exterior staircases should be designed to minimize visual intrusion and be complementary to the existing building.
For Detached ADUs
A Detached ADU shall be maximum of 900 square feet or 50 percent of the total habitable space of the principal dwelling, whichever is less.
Alterations to an existing accessory structure or the creation of a new accessory structure for a Detached ADU are permitted provided they are in keeping with the architectural integrity of the existing principal dwelling on the lot and the residential character of the neighborhood. The exterior finish material should be the same or visually compatible in type, size, and placement, as the exterior finish material of the principal dwelling unit on the site.
For new construction of a Detached ADU, the building shall comply with the district's minimum setback requirements for accessory structures. The maximum height of the building shall be:
20 feet if the structure meets the normal accessory building setbacks, or
24 feet if the structure meets the normal principal dwelling setbacks.