Pembroke, MA
Pembroke, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 2/10 (10 is most accepting)
Last updated: 8.15.2024
Source: Town of Pembroke
What You Need To Know
Currently not in compliance with the Massachusetts Affordable Homes Act.
Currently, there are some hoops to jump through with ADUs in Pembroke. In addition to requiring a special permit, owners must sign a 15 year use restriction and agree to a maximum rent to be charged. ADUs must be rented to a person having an annual income of no more than 80% of the area median income. The Pembroke Housing Authority will monitor compliance with the ADU rules.
Type of ADU Permit Required
ADUs are allowed by special permit through the Zoning Board of Appeals in Pembroke.
ADU Rules
ADUs may be allowed on lots with at least 20,000 square feet of contiguous upland except for ADUs already in existence prior to the current ordinance.
The owner of the property must occupy the primary dwelling and rent the ADU.
The ADU cannot be larger than 800 square feet.
ADUs are limited to one bedroom and two occupants.
Two parking spaces must be provided for the ADU
An ADU must be attached to the existing single family home.