Rehoboth, MA
Rehoboth, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 2/10 (10 is most accepting)
Last updated: 10.29.2024
Image source: Massachusetts Municipal Association
What You Need To Know
Currently not in compliance with the Massachusetts Affordable Homes Act.
In-law apartments are the only defined unit type in Rehoboth and can not must be used as an extension of the main dwelling.
Type of ADU Permit Required
Currently, a special permit is required, but that will have to change once Rehoboth rewrites their rules to be compliant with the state guidelines.
ADU Rules
Definition: An in-law apartment is an extension of a single-family dwelling providing facilities for sleeping, eating, bathing, and living.
Egress Requirements: The in-law unit must have a code-compliant means of egress through the main dwelling; garages or service areas cannot serve as the primary egress.
Size Limit: The total livable area of the in-law apartment cannot exceed 750 square feet.
Rental Restriction: The in-law apartment cannot be rented as a separate or independent unit from the main dwelling.
Unit Limitation: Only one in-law apartment is allowed per single-family dwelling.
Notarized Letter Requirement: Before a building permit is issued, the owner must submit a notarized letter stating:
The owner will occupy one of the dwelling units as their primary residence, except for temporary absences.
The in-law apartment is an extension of the single-family dwelling and is not an independent rental unit.
Recording Requirement: The notarized letter must be recorded in the County Registry of Deeds or Land Court within the property's chain of title.