Sudbury, MA
Sudbury, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 9/10 (10 is most accepting)
Last updated: 9.11.2024
Source: Sudbury Chamber of Commerce
What You Need To Know
Currently, ADUs are permitted in three zoning districts in Sudbury: Single Residence District A and C and Wayside Inn Historic Preservation Zone.
Type of ADU Permit Required
ADUs currently are permitted via a special permit process from the Board of Appeals.
ADU Rules
Such Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be occupied by not more than four persons.
The Accessory Dwelling Unit shall contain no more than 850 square feet, and shall occupy no more than 30% of the floor area of the single family dwelling. Floor area, for the purpose of section 5522, is defined as the actual heated living area and does not include unfinished basements, attics, or storage spaces. On request of the applicant, the Board of Appeals may waive the provisions of section 5522 due to the physical constraints of an existing structure (but not for a new structure).
An Accessory Dwelling Unit may be built in a detached accessory structure separate from the main dwelling provided:
(1) the detached structure has existed at its current size for no less than five (5) years prior to the date of the application for creation of an Accessory Dwelling Unit;
(2) the lot meets the current minimum zoning requirement for lot area in the district in which the lot is located,
(3) the detached structure meets the same minimum setback requirements that apply to the principal residence in the district in which the structure is located,
(4) the Accessory Dwelling Unit occupies no more than 50% of the floor area of the detached structure, and
(5) the Accessory Dwelling Unit is not greater than 850 square feet.
There shall be no more than one Accessory Dwelling Unit per building lot.
The owner of the dwelling in which the Accessory Dwelling Unit is created shall reside in the dwelling, either in the principal dwelling unit or the Accessory Dwelling Unit.
Adequate provision shall be made for the disposal of sewage, waste and drainage generated by the occupancy of the Accessory Dwelling Unit in accordance with all requirements of the Board of Health.
The Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be designed so that the appearance of the structure remains that of a single family dwelling and its associated accessory structures.
Off-street Parking. There shall be at least two off-street parking spaces for the principal dwelling unit and at least one off-street parking for the Accessory Dwelling Unit. No parking spaces shall be located within the boundary of a street right of way. In no case shall parking spaces which are more than two spaces deep be considered in computing the required parking.