Bath, Maine
Bath, ME Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 8/10
Last Updated: 10.15.2024
Image source: Maine Street Maine Association
What You Need to Know
Permits are issued by Code Enforcement Office if attached to the primary dwelling, or the Planning Board if detached. ADU’s may be attached, with in or stand alone buildings and may not be rented for less than 90 days at a time.
Type of Permit Required
ADUs require a permit from the Code Enforcement Office or the Planning Board.
ADU Rules
One ADU is permitted per property that currently contains a primary dwelling unit.
The ADU can be built attached to or within the preexisting primary dwelling or as its own freestanding structure.
ADUs may only be built on properties in which the primary dwelling unit is either a single-family home or a duplex.
The ADU must be clearly accessory to the primary dwelling.
An ADU may be no larger than 850 square feet or 80% of the square footage of the primary residence, whichever value is lower.
An ADU may have at maximum two bedrooms
Each ADU requires at least one on-site parking space additional to the required parking for the primary residence. This requirement can be waived in the instance of an established off-site parking agreement.
ADUs must consider the privacy of the ADU and neighboring residences in their design.
ADUs may not exceed the height of the primary dwelling.
ADUs may not be used as a rental property for leases less than 90 days.
All ADUs must receive permits before construction from the CodeEnforcement Office if attached to the primary dwelling, or the Planning Board if detached.
All ADUs must meet the minimum requirements for a dwelling in relation to other ordinances not specific to ADUs, and must provide basic facilities for living, sleeping, cooking and sanitation.