Bridgton, Maine
Bridgton, ME Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 9/10
Last Updated: 11.8.2024
Image source: Town of Bridgton
What You Need to Know
One ADU is allowed per single-family, two-family, or multi-family dwelling, and it must comply with size regulations, including a minimum footprint of 190 square feet and a maximum footprint of 1,000 square feet or 50% of the primary dwelling's footprint. ADUs can be constructed within the primary dwelling, in an accessory structure, or as a separate structure on the lot. Additionally, ADUs must adhere to all other zoning requirements, including those related to Shoreland Zoning.
Type of Permit Required
ADUs are allowed by right and require a building permit through the Code Enforcement Officer in Bridgton.
ADU Rules
Size & Floor Area:
Minimum floor area of 190 square feet.
Maximum floor area of 1,000 square feet or 50% of the primary dwelling's floor area, whichever is smaller.
ADU cannot have more than two bedrooms.
Floor area excludes unfinished attic, basement, or cellar spaces.
Floor area is measured from the interior faces of the walls.
Location & Setbacks:
Detached ADUs must meet the same setbacks as the principal residential structure and cannot exceed the height of the primary dwelling.
ADUs within the same structure or attached to the primary dwelling must meet the dimensional requirements for the district.
ADUs cannot be constructed in existing detached accessory structures.
ADUs outside of shoreland zones are not considered additional dwelling units for lot area or residential density calculations.
Parking Requirements:
No additional parking required for ADUs under 600 square feet, though additional parking should be provided as needed.
ADUs over 600 square feet must provide two additional off-street parking spaces.
Off-street parking spaces cannot be eliminated to convert an attached garage into an ADU.
If connected to public sewer, both the ADU and primary dwelling must be connected, with proof of adequate service.
If using a septic system, the system must meet Maine’s Minimum Lot Size law and state rules for subsurface wastewater disposal.
If connected to public water, proof of adequate service is required. If using a well, proof of potable water is needed.General Rules:
An ADU is not considered a dwelling unit for the purpose of calculating lot size or road frontage requirements, nor when applying the subdivision definition, if it complies with the standards in subsection K.
ADUs that do not meet these standards are considered dwelling units and must comply with all dwelling unit standards.
Location and Eligibility:
No ADU is allowed on a lot without a single-family, two-family, or multi-family dwelling.
One ADU is allowed per single-family, two-family, or multi-family dwelling.
ADUs can be located within or attached to the primary dwelling, in an accessory structure, or as a separate structure on the lot.
Size and Design:
Minimum footprint of 190 square feet.
Maximum footprint is the lesser of:
50% of the footprint of the largest dwelling on the property (single-family or the largest unit of a two-family or multi-family dwelling), or
1,000 square feet.
ADUs cannot have more than two stories.
ADUs must comply with all other applicable regulations, including those in Shoreland Zoning (Chapter IV).