Kittery, Maine
Kittery, ME Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 10/10
Last Updated 6.24.2024
Image source: Foster’s Daily Democrat
What You Need To Know
ADUs are allowed in Kittery in all residential zoning districts. ADUs built within an existing structure, attached, or detached are all permitted.
Type of ADU Permit Required
ADUs are permitted via the Code Enforcement Officer.
ADU Rules
ADUs are only allowed on lots where there is one single family dwelling
ADUs are limited to one per lot.
ADUs may not be greater than 1,000 square feet.
For single family homes 1,000 square feet or less, the ADU may not be greater than 80% of the square footage of the single family dwelling.
ADUs are exempt from density requirements.
For conforming lots, ADUs must meet yard setbacks; however, for legally nonconforming lots that cannot meet setback requirements, the percentage of how much smaller the lot is will determine the setback requirements.
All utilities must meet or be updated to provide adequate service to the ADU.
One parking space must be provided for the ADU in addition to the parking available for the existing single family dwelling.
If an ADU is to be located on a privately maintained road or right-of-way, written permission must be obtained from the homeowner’s association and individuals/groups responsible for street maintenance.
Rental periods may not be less than 30 days.
Town of Kittery Land Use Zone Regulations