Fitchburg, MA
Fitchburg, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 7/10 (10 is most accepting)
Last updated: 8.28.2024
Source: City of Fitchburg
What You Need To Know
Currently not in compliance with the Massachusetts Affordable Homes Act.
ADUs are allowed only within or attached with minimal impact to the existing single family home. ADUs are permitted in a limited number of zoning districts.
Type of ADU Permit Required
ADUs are allowed by right via a building permit in the Rural Residential (RR) and Residence A (RA), but in zoning district Residence B (RB) ADUs require a special permit.
ADU Rules
A plan from a registered land surveyor must be submitted to the building commissioner that includes the existing dwelling, the proposed location of the ADU, location of any septic system, and required parking.
The ADU must be occupied by the owner of the property except for a bona fide temporary absence.
This has to be certified by an affidavit.
Not more than one ADU is allowed per lot.
The ADU cannot be greater than 800 square feet of habitable floor space.
The ADU must be within the primary structure.
The external appearance of the existing dwelling cannot be significantly altered from the appearance of a single family home.
The ADU cannot result in an increase of more than 15% in the habitable and non-habitable floor area of the existing dwelling.
Any stairways must be within or screened in.
One additional parking space must be provided for the ADU
Special permits for ADUs are issued by the board of appeals only after the construction and occupancy of one is not detrimental to the neighborhood.