Middleborough, MA
Middleborough, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 4/10
Last updated: 8.28.2024
Image source: Wikipedia
What You Need To Know
Currently not in compliance with the Massachusetts Affordable Homes Act.
Through the special permit process, ADUs are allowed in all zoning districts.
Type of ADU Permit Required
ADUs require a special permit through the Zoning Board of Appeals.
ADU Rules
ADUs can be as part of an existing or new single-family home or attached to a single-family home.
ADUS cannot have greater than two bedrooms.
An ADU may have a separate entrance located either in the rear or side of the building.
ADUs must be less than 50% of the floor area of the existing single-family home.
There is only one ADU permitted per lot.
ADUs are required to meet the specific districts setback requirements.
At least one owner of the property must occupy either the single-family home or the ADU.
Only immediate family members can occupy the ADU.
Immediate family includes parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, and siblings in Millbury.
Any stairways to second and third floors, must be enclosed within the exterior walls to the extent possible.
An attached ADU may be allowed as long as the floor area of the proposed ADU is less than 50% of the existing dwelling.
Four total parking spaces are required for a home with an ADU and single-family home. Two for the single-family home and two for the ADU.
The Health Officer will make sure that water and sanitary requirements are met and adequate to support both the single-family home and the ADU.
The Zoning Board of Appeals may allow in some circumstances deviations from certain requirements to accommodate individuals living needs.
The names of the immediate family member(s) who will occupy the ADU must be listed on the special permit.
https://www.middleboroughma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/371/Middleborough-Zoning-Bylaw-PDF - page 46