Gorham, Maine
Gorham, ME Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 8/10
Last Updated: 11.5.2024
Image source: Gorham Village Alliance Facebook
What You Need to Know
The property owner must live on the property (either in the main house or the accessory apartment) and the apartment must be no larger than 800 square feet with a maximum of two occupants. Additionally, the apartment must comply with local utility requirements, including being connected to public sewer or having an adequate septic system, and must meet zoning setbacks and access requirements.
Type of Permit Required
ADUs in Gorham are allowed in all zoning districts that allow single family homes.
ADU Rules
The property owner must reside in either the primary dwelling or the accessory apartment.
The apartment cannot exceed 800 square feet in size and must have at least 190 square feet of living space.
The number of occupants in the apartment is limited to two.
If public sewer is available, the accessory apartment must be connected to it. If not, the property must have a functioning septic system capable of handling the increased load.
For properties with private wells, proof of potable water is required.
The apartment must meet all zoning setbacks, including those in Shoreland areas, and provide proper access.
Only one accessory apartment is allowed per lot, and it will not be counted as an additional dwelling unit when calculating lot area per dwelling unit.
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