Windham, Maine
Windham, ME Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules
City Acceptance Rating: 6/10
Last Updated: 11.5.2024
Image source: Town of Windham Facebook
What You Need to Know
Detached ADU’s are not allowed. The ADU cannot exceed 800 square feet in size with a maximum of two bedrooms. Additionally, it must have its own entrance and comply with all building and septic system requirements. Parking for the accessory apartment cannot exceed the requirements for the primary dwelling.
Type of Permit Required
ADUs require approval from the Code Enforcement Officer
ADU Rules
Zoning Rules Summary for Accessory Apartments (Post-November 23, 2012):
The accessory apartment must be attached to the principal dwelling or located within an accessory building.
The property owner must live in either the principal dwelling or the accessory apartment.
The accessory apartment cannot exceed 800 square feet in total floor area and can have no more than two bedrooms.
It must have its own entrance and comply with building codes, requiring a certificate of occupancy from the Code Enforcement Officer.
Only one accessory apartment is allowed per lot, and it does not count toward the district’s maximum residential density.
The property must have an approved septic system, with the capacity documented in an HHE-200 form.
The parking requirement for the accessory apartment cannot exceed the parking required for the primary dwelling.